International Family Planning Perspectives
Volume 27, Number 2, June 2001


Bridging the Gap: Integrating Family Planning With Abortion Services in Turkey

Table 1. Annual number of induced abortions and percentage of abortion clients leaving the hospital with a modern method, by year, Zekai Tahir Burak (ZTB) Women's Health Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, 1991-1998
Year No. of abortions % of clients leaving with a method
1991 4,100 65
1992 3,623 97
1993 2,726 98
1994 3,175 98
1995 3,196 98
1996 2,612 98
1997 2,095 98
1998 1,709 98

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Table 2. Percentage distribution of postabortion clients at the ZTB Women's Health Education and Research Hospital, by method adopted following abortion, according to timing of the procedure relative to the intervention
Method 6 mos. preceding intervention (Dec. 1990-May 1991) 6 mos. following initiation of intervention (July-Dec. 1992)
Condom 44 25
IUD 20 49
Tubal ligation 1 15
Pill 0 8
Vasectomy 0 1
None 35 2
Total 100 100
Note: Contraceptive implants and injectables were not introduced into the program until after 1991. The dates do not necessarily correspond to the six months immediately preceeding or following initiation of the intervention, but instead were selected because of ease of access to the records. Source: see reference 12.

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Table 3. Percentage of abortion clients leaving a public hospital with a family planning method, by hospital and year of intervention, according to year of data collection
Hospital and year 1994* 1998-1999
Zeynep Kamil Maternity Hospital, 1991 50 93†
SSK Bakirkoy Maternity Hospital, 1993 0 100†
SSK Goztepe Hospital, 1993 73 100†
Konak Maternity Hospital, 1993 62 98‡
SSK Ankara Maternity Hospital (Etlik), 1993 31 46‡
SSK Ege Maternity Hospital, 1994 91 98‡
Samsun Maternity Hospital, 1994 0 32‡
Adana MCH/FP, 1995 u 93‡
Zubeyde Hanim Maternity Hospital, 1996 u u
Eskisehir Maternity Hospital, 1997 40 60‡
*From situation analysis data. †From 1998 Istanbul Family Planning Quality Survey (see reference 27). ‡From mail survey. Notes: u=unavailable, because the 1994 situation analysis did not include the Adana MCH/FP or the Zubeyde Hanim Maternity Hospital. Also, because Zubeyde Hanim dropped out of the intervention, 1998-1999 data are unavailable.

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Figure 1. Percentage of postabortion clients who adopted family planning following the abortion, by timing relative to the intervention, 14 hospitals, Istanbul, 1998-2000

Sources: Preintervention data--Istanbul Family Planning Quality Survey, 1998 (see reference 27); Intervention data--Postabortion program management information system, 1998-2000 (see reference 29).

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