International Family Planning Perspectives
Volume 27, Number 2, June 2001


Incidence of Induced Abortion in Southern Ghana

Table 1. Numbers of women, of pregnancies and of pregnancy outcomes, and abortion ratios and rates, by source of abortion data, Ghana, 1997-1998
Measure Maternal Health Project Korle-Bu Hospital
1997-1998 1997 1998
No. of women 18,301 55,779 52,131
No. of pregnancies 1,689 na na
Abortions† 317 1,775 1,649
Term births 1,187 12,137 11,412
No. dead 42 days postpartum 9 na na
Miscarriages 21 na na
Stillbirths 15 na na
Lost to follow-up 97 na na
Refused to cooperate 43 na na
Abortion ratio Per 100 births 27 15 14
Per 100 pregnancies 19 na na
Abortion rate per 1,000 women 17 32 32
†For the Maternal Health Survey Project, abortions are induced abortions only. For the hospital data, abortions include both induced and spontaneous abortions. Notes: Abortion ratio is the annual number of abortions per 100 pregnancies (in the case of survey data) or births (in the case of routine hospital data). Abortion rate is the annual number of abortions per 1,000 women in the childbearing ages (15-49). The number lost to follow-up and the number refusing to cooperate were included in the denominator in calculating abortion rates and ratios, because although we could not tell what happened to them during the course of the study, we knew at the beginning of the study that they were each carrying a pregnancy. We also knew that all 43 women who refused to cooperate at later stages had successful deliveries. However, because they refused to participate in other aspects of the follow-up study by not answering questions, we had to drop them from the rest of the analysis. na=not applicable.

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Table 2. Percentage distribution of women who had an abortion, by selected characteristics
Characteristic N %
Age at abortion
15-19 14 4.5
20-24 81 25.5
25-29 96 30.4
30-34 76 23.9
35-39 39 12.3
40-44 8 2.4
45-49 3 1.0
0 115 36.3
1 58 18.3
2 78 24.6
3 33 10.4
4 16 5.0
5 9 2.9
>=6 8 2.5
Gestation (in weeks)
5 31 9.8
6 111 34.9
7 49 15.4
8 65 20.5
9 30 9.4
>=10 31 10.0
Type of provider
Pharmacist 121 38.2
Nurse/midwife 64 20.2
Physician 39 12.3
Self-medication 34 10.7
Quack doctor 51 16.1
Other (paramedical) 8 2.5
Total 317 100.0

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Table 3. Distribution of most recent and previous abortions by social and demographic characteristics
Characteristic Most recent abortion Previous abortion†
% N % N
Status of preceding child (N=202)
Alive 62.5 126 68.0 137
Dead 37.5 76 32.0 65
Sex of last child (N=202)
Boy 54.8 111 50.8 103
Girl 45.2 91 49.2 99
Reasons for abortion
Unsure to bear child 56.6 180 33.8 107
Financial reasons 26.0 82 23.9 76
Accidental pregnancy 17.4 55 42.3 134
None 26.9 85 28.4 90
Primary 40.4 128 41.5 132
Higher 17.4 55 16.2 51
Islamic 15.3 49 13.9 44
Marital status
Single 36.3 115 45.9 146
Married 63.7 202 54.1 171
Catholic 21.1 67 21.8 69
Protestant 60.0 190 59.3 188
Muslim 16.1 51 16.1 51
Traditional 2.8 9 2.8 9
Place of work‡
Home 34.8 110 24.9 79
Outside home 65.2 207 75.1 238
Type of work‡
Employee 25.6 81 20.7 66
Self-employed 47.8 152 47.0 149
Family worker 26.6 84 32.3 102
Urban 55.6 176 52.7 167
Rural 44.4 141 47.3 150
Total§ 100.0 317 100.0 317
†All women in this sample who had an abortion had had a previous abortion. ‡Working at home means that a woman is involved in an income-generating activity that is carried out in her home. A woman who is self-employed earns an income from a business that she owns; she may work in or outside her home. A woman who is a family worker is involved in income-generating activity in a business owned by her family; a family worker may work at home or outside the home and may or may not be self-employed. §Totals are 317, except where otherwise noted.

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Table 4. Odds ratios for the association between induced abortion and women's social and demographic characteristics
Characteristics Induced abortion
All others (ref) 1.00
Muslim 0.32***
Age 1.35
None (ref) 1.00
Primary/Islamic† 0.64
Middle 1.96*
Secondary or higher 2.80**
Previous abortion
Yes 1.35**
No 1.00
1-2 (ref) 1.00
3-4 0.94
>=4 1.78**
Marital status
Married (ref) 1.00
Single 2.33**
Rural (ref) 1.00
Urban 1.24**
Category of work‡
Employee (ref) 1.00
Self-employed 1.71***
Family worker 0.13
Place of work‡
Home (ref) 1.00
Outside the home 1.56*
Log-likelihood -1,287.9
N 1,549
*Statistically significant at p<.05. **Statistically significant at p<.01. ***Statistically significant at p<.001. † For this model, primary and Islamic education were combined because they are not different in terms of academic qualifications. ‡Working at home means that a woman is involved in an income-generating activity that is carried out in her home. A woman who is self-employed earns an income from a business that she owns; she may work in or outside her home. A woman who is a family worker is involved in income-generating activity in a business owned by her family; a family worker may work at home or outside the home and may or may not be self-employed. Note: ref=reference group.

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