Family Planning Perspectives
Volume 27, Number 3, September 2001


What Influences Contraceptive Use Among Young Women In Urban Squatter Settlements of Karachi, Pakistan?


Table 1. Among families in which the woman used a modern contraceptive method, percentage of women, their husbands and their mothers-in-law who reported discussions about family size and family planning, Pakistan, 1996 (N=404)
Topic and discussion %
Family size
Woman with her husband 83.9
Husband with woman 40.4
Woman with her mother-in-law 61.5
Mother-in-law with woman 40.9
Husband with his mother 8.2
Mother-in-law with her son 22.1
Family planning
Woman with her husband 93.8
Husband with woman 84.9
Woman with her mother-in-law 52.0
Mother-in-law with woman 35.2
Husband with his mother 4.3
Mother-in-law with her son 10.2

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Table 2. Percentage distribution of women, by selected characteristics, according to whether they use contraceptives, and unadjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals indicating effect of characteristics on women's likelihood of using a modern contraceptive method
Characteristics Users Nonusers Odds ratio 95% CI
Illiterate (ref) 41.8 54.6 1.00 na
Literate 58.2 45.4 1.67*** 1.23-2.28
Husband's education
Illiterate (ref) 17.6 24.3 1.00 na
Literate 82.4 75.7 1.50* 1.03-2.20
Employed 10.6 6.1 1.84* 1.02-3.36
Housewife (ref) 89.4 93.9 1.00 na
Marriage duration (years)
<10 (ref) 44.3 55.9 1.00 na
>=10 55.7 44.1 1.59** 1.17-2.17
Urban exposure
Yes 86.1 78.0 1.76** 1.17-2.64
No (ref) 13.9 22.0 1.00 na
Household assets
<4 (ref) 12.1 16.0 1.00 na
5-9 69.5 74.1 1.24 0.79-1.94
>=10 18.3 9.9 1.97** 1.22-3.18
<4 (ref) 62.1 76.4 1.00 na
>=5 37.9 23.6 1.97** 1.40-2.77
Living sons
<2 (ref) 69.6 81.4 1.00 na
>=3 30.4 18.6 1.92** 1.33-2.79
Living daughters
<2 (ref) 72.3 78.6 1.00 na
>=3 27.7 21.4 1.41 0.98-2.02
Yes 34.2 26.5 1.44* 1.03-2.02
No (ref) 65.8 73.5 1.00 na
Good 79.5 71.6 1.54** 1.07-2.20
Poor (ref) 20.5 28.4 1.00 na
Discussed family size with husband
Yes 83.9 76.4 1.61** 1.09-2.38
No (ref) 16.1 23.6 1.00 na
Discussed family planning with mother-in-law
Yes 61.4 51.4 1.50** 1.10-2.05
No (ref) 38.6 48.6 1.00 na
Islam allows family planning
Yes 32.2 20.1 1.88*** 1.31-2.70
No (ref) 67.8 79.9 1.00 na
Received family planning messages from health care provider
Yes 91.6 74.1 3.80*** 2.41-6.00
No (ref) 8.4 25.9 1.00 na
Accepts family planning messages in media
Yes 78.0 64.2 1.97*** 1.40-2.78
No (ref) 22.0 35.8 1.00 na
Total 100.0 100.0 na na
*p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. Notes: CI=confidence interval. ref=reference group. na=not

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Table 3. Percentage distribution of mothers-in-law, by selected characteristics, according to whether they use contraceptives, and unadjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals indicating effect of characteristics on women's likelihood of using a modern contraceptive method
Characteristics Users Nonusers Odds ratio 95% CI
Illiterate (ref) 85.9 88.2 1.00 na
Literate 14.1 11.8 1.23 0.77-1.95
Discussed family planning with daughter-in-law
Yes 35.2 13.1 3.60*** 2.40-5.40
No (ref) 64.8 86.9 1.00 na
Believes Islam allows family planning
Yes 18.3 13.1 1.49* 0.96-2.3
No (ref) 81.7 86.9 1.00 na
Discussed family planning
with son
Yes 10.2 5.4 1.97* 1.06-3.69
No (ref) 89.8 94.6 1.00 na
Forbids daughter-in-law to use contraceptives
Yes (ref) 17.1 25.9 1.00 na
No 82.9 74.1 1.70** 1.16-2.47
Total 100.0 100.0 na na
*p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. Notes: CI=confidence interval. ref=reference group. na=not applicable.

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Table 4. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals from multivariate logistic
Characteristics Odds ratio 95% CI
Illiterate (ref) 1.00 na
Literate 2.02*** 1.43-2.85
Household assets
<4 (ref) 1.00 na
5-9 1.09 0.67-1.76
>=10 2.35** 1.22-4.52
< 4 (ref) 1.00 na
>=5 2.08*** 1.39-3.12
Living sons
< 2 (ref) 1.00 na
>=3 1.64* 1.07-2.52
Accepts family planning messages in media
Yes 1.48* 1.20-2.15
No (ref) 1.00 na
Received family planning messages from a health care provider
Yes 3.34*** 2.08-5.35
No (ref) 1.00 na
Believes Islam allows family planning
Yes 1.59* 1.07-2.35
No (ref) 1.00 na
Woman's mother-in-law reported discussing family planning with her
Yes 2.85*** 1.88-4.31
No (ref) 1.00 na
*p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. Notes: CI=confidence interval. ref=reference group. na=not applicable.

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