International Family Planning Perspectives
Volume 28, Number 2, June 2002


Promoting dual Protection in Family Planning Clinics in Ibadan Nigeria

TABLE 1. Percentage distribution of new and continuing family planning clients interviewed at baseline or at Time 2, by selected characteristics
Characteristic Baseline Time 2
(N=175) (N=289)
Marital status
Monogamous 70.9 76.8
Polygamous 24.0 19.7
Unmarried 5.1 3.5
15-24 5.7 7.6
25-34 50.3 52.9
35-44 33.7 32.6
>=45 10.3 6.9
None 11.4 10.4
Primary only 37.2 28.7
Secondary 30.8 38.4
Postsecondary 20.6 22.5
Heard about AIDS
Yes 93.7 88.6
No 6.3 11.4
Had multiple sexual partners in past year*
Yes 7.4 4.8
No 92.6 95.2
Suspected partner had other partners in past year
Yes 41.1 32.2
No 58.9 67.8
Was ever told she had an STI*
Yes 17.3 4.5
No 82.7 95.5
Total 100.0 100.0
*Difference between samples is statistically significant at p<.05 by chi-square test.

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TABLE 2. Number and percentage distribution of family planning visits, by client type and method, 1999-2001
Client and method 1999 2000 2001*
No. % No. % No. %
Client type
New 2,655 17.7 3,792 25.2 1,906 26.4
Continuing 12,347 82.3 11,231 74.8 5,304 73.6
IUD 9,490 63.3 8,134 54.2 3,949 54.8
Injectables 4,211 28.1 5,199 34.6 2,597 36.0
Pill 966 6.4 726 4.8 310 4.3
Condoms† 335 2.2 964 6.4 354 4.9
Total 15,002 100.0 15,023 100.0 7,210 100.0
*January-June. †Includes male and female condoms (single method only); female condoms were available in the clinics as of mid-December 1999.

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TABLE 3. Number and percentage of visits in which male and female condoms were provided, by selected measures
Measure 2000 2001*
N % of visits N % of visits
Type of condom
All 2,116 14.1† 651 9.0†
Female 1,672 11.1† 576 8.0†
Male 444 3.0† 75 1.0†
Type of use
Single method 964 45.6‡ 354 54.4‡
Double method 1,152 54.4‡ 297 45.6‡
Type of client
New 948 25.0§ 453 23.8§
Continuing 1,168 10.4** 198 3.7**
*January-June. †Of all family planning visits. ‡Of all condom visits. §Of all new-client visits. **Of all continuing-client visits. Note: From January through October 12, 2000, up to three female condoms were given free to any client who requested them. Beginning October 13, 2001, every client paid 10 naira (US $0.10) per condom.

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TABLE 4. Percentage of new client visits in which providers addressed specific components of dual-protection counseling
Indicator Baseline Time 2
(N=88) (N=76)
HIV/STI risk assessment and risk reduction
Discussed client's sexual behavior 19.4 34.2*
Discussed partner's sexual behavior 16.4 35.5*
Discussed HIV/AIDS 12.1 42.1*
Discussed client's STI concerns 9.1 21.1*
Indicated to client that she might have an STI 3.6 22.4*
Discussed how to bring up HIV/STI prevention with partner 3.0 23.7*
Dual protection family planning counseling Tailored counseling and education to client's personal situation 28.0 67.1*
Compared HIV/STI protective effects of different family planning methods 7.0 42.1*
Showed client how to use the male condom 10.5 34.2*
Showed client how to use the female condom 80.3
Discussed how dual protection could be achieved by either one or two family planning methods 4.7 75.0*
Discussed if client's initially preferred method provided protection against HIV/STIs 2.3 49.2*
Discussed with client how she might convince her partner to use a condom 0.0 18.4*
Used dual-protection flip chart 47.4
Distributed brochures 3.8 27.6*
*Difference is statistically significant at p<.05 by chi-square test. †Female condom and dual-protection flip chart were unavailable at baseline.

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