Family Planning Perspectives
Volume 33, Number 4, July/August 2001


Reproductive and Sexual Health Benefits in Private Health Insurance Plans in Washington State

Table 1. Number and percentage distribution of health insurance plans and total number of enrollees, all by type of plan, Washington State, 1998
Type Plans Enrollees
No. % distribution No. % distribution
Total 91 100 1,399,650 100
HMO 52 57 977,813 70
Preferred-provider org. 19 21 245,231 18
Point-of-service 13 14 127,379 9
Indemnity 7 8 49,227 3

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Table 2. Percentage of Washington State health insurance plans offering core reproductive and sexual health care coverage, by type of service, according to plan type
Service HMO Point-of-service Preferred-organization Indemnity
Routine gynecology 96 100 72 100
Maternity 93 92 94 86
Contraception 50 15 6 0
Abortion (elective) 76 85 67 86
Infertility 20 8 28 86
Reproductive cancer screening 100 100 94 100
Sexually transmitted diseases 100 100 94 100
HIV/AIDS 100 100 100 100
Sterilization 80 83 65 71

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Table 3. Estimated number of age-specific enrollees in all health plans, number of age-specific enrollees in health plans providing core coverage, and number and percentage of all age-specific enrollees lacking core service coverage
Service No. in all plans No. in plans providing core coverage Lacking core coverage
No. %
Routine gynecology 270,138† 235,475 34,663 12.8
Maternity 258,774† 210,761 48,013 18.6
Contraception 255,244† 63,381 191,863 75.2
Abortion 269,955† 127,002 142,993 52.9
Infertility 524,805‡ 11,116 513,689 97.9
Reproductive cancer screening 949,647§ 901,767 47,880 5.0
Sexually transmitted diseases 949,647§ 901,767 47,880 5.0
HIV/AIDS 949,647§ 949,647 0 0.0
Sterilization 522,236‡ 328,979 193,257 37.0
†Women aged 15-44. ‡Women and men aged 15-44. §Women and men aged >=15. Note: Numbers of women and men in each age category were estimated by applying adjusted statewide age categories to total reported numbers of enrollees.

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Table 4. Percentage of health insurance plans with routine plus restricted coverage, by service, according to plan type, United States (1993) and Washington State (1998)
Service Indemnity plan† Preferred-provider organization† Point-of-service plan HMO†
Annual exam 48 100** 68 72 90 100 100 96*
Pap test 76 100 86 72 95 100 100 96*
Chlamydia test 78 100 85 72 100 100 100 96*
Mammogram 84 100 90 100 95 100 100 100
Maternity care
Obstetric care96 86 99 94 95 92 99 100
Reversible contraception
IUD insertion 25 0 25 6 46 62 86 70*
IUD device 17 0 21 6 33 62 47 70*
Diaphragm fitting 21 0 23 6 46 46 81 68
Diaphragm device 15 0 17 6 33 38 52 70*
Implant insertion 26 0 29 6* 54 38 62 52
Implant device 23 0 27 6 48 31 47 52
Implant removal 36 0 37 11* 59 46 65 52
Injectable 41 0* 42 6** 75 62 80 59*
Oral contraceptives 41 0* 48 11** 63 92* 86 84
Tubal ligation 90 86 90 88 98 83 94 84*
Vasectomy 89 86 90 88 95 83 94 84*
Average availability 87 93 86 83 88 92 90 88
Endometrial biopsy 80 86 79 50* 81 77 94 51***
Semen analysis 64 14* 60 44 71 46 95 27***
In vitro fertilization 16 0 17 0 19 0 24 0***
Medication 45 14 45 28 51 8** 75 24***
Difference is statistically significant, X2p<.05. **Difference is statistically significant, X2p<.001. †Washingtion coverage is significantly lower than U.S. coverage, p<.001 (odds ratio 0.55, 95% confidence interval 0.48--0.63). Source: U.S.Data (1993) --see reference 16.

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