Family Planning Perspectives
Volume 33, Number 5, September/October 2001


The Influence of Significant Others on Australian
Teenagers' Decisions About Pregnancy Resolution

Table 1. Percentage distribution of young women aged 20 and younger, by background characteristics, and percentage reporting various types and sources of influence, according to how pregnancy was resolved
Characteristic/influence Motherhood Abortion
(N=1,122) (N=202)
Area of residence
Suburban 48.5 50.5
Rural and remote 48.1 31.2
Inner urban 3.4 18.3
Living arrangement at time of conception
With family of origin 47.7 73.8
With partner and his family 42.2 15.3
Alone/with peers 10.2 10.9
No religion 27.4 38.2
Catholic 25.3 24.1
Other Christian 44.4 35.7
Muslim/other non-Christian 3.0 2.0
Australian/English-speaking 88.1 85.1
Non-English-speaking 4.9 13.9
Indigenous 7.0 1.0
Age at conception (years)
<17 26.0 31.7
18-20 74.0 68.3
Marital status at conception
Not married 91.8 99.0
Married 8.2 1.0
Total 100.0 100.0
Type of influence
Direct, toward abortion 24.8 39.1
Direct, toward birth 19.3 21.3
Indirect, toward abortion 17.2 31.7
Indirect, toward birth 56.8 38.1
Type and source of influence
Mother, indirect, toward birth 50.7 33.2
Sister, indirect, toward birth 16.7 9.9
Mother, indirect, toward abortion 10.5 21.3
Sister, indirect, toward abortion 7.9 11.4
Partner, direct, toward abortion 6.1 34.2
Parents, direct, toward abortion 10.7 14.4
Partner, direct, toward birth 15.3 5.9
Parents, direct, toward birth 6.0 5.9

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Table 2. Percentage distribution of teenagers reporting direct influence from significant others that was contrary to their pregnancy resolution decision, by identity of significant other, according to living arrangement at time of conception
Influence/identity Total Family of origin Partner and his family Alone/with peers
Significant others who influenced young women in the abortion group toward motherhood (N=202) (N=149) (N=31) (N=22)
No one 79.9 83.6 61.3 81.8
Partner 5.9 3.4 22.6 0.0
Mother/father 4.0 2.0 9.7 9.1
Other family 1.0 1.3 0.0 0.0
Partner's family 2.0 1.3 6.5 0.0
Friends 6.9 8.1 0.0 9.1
Church/doctor/school/other 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0
Significant others who influenced young women in the motherhood group toward abortion (N=1,122) (N=535) (N=473) (N=114)
No one 75.8 68.7 86.4 64.9
Partner 6.1 8.2 2.5 11.4
Mother/father 7.4 9.0 4.7 11.4
Other family 2.9 4.5 1.7 0.9
Partner's family 3.3 3.4 3.4 2.6
Friends 1.8 2.4 0.6 3.5
Church/doctor/school/other 2.7 3.8 0.7 5.3
Significant others who influenced young women in the motherhood group toward adoption* (N=1,122) (N=535) (N=473) (N=114)
No one 94.9 92.5 98.3 92.1
Partner 0.6 1.1 0.2 0.0
Mother/father 2.4 3.7 0.4 4.4
Other family 0.9 1.3 0.6 0.0
Partner's family 0.6 1.1 0.0 0.9
Friends 0.4 0.0 0.4 2.6
Church/doctor/school/other 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
*Two women (1%) who chose abortion said they were influenced by their parents to choose adoption.

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Table 3. Percentage of teenagers reporting direct influence from significant others that was consistent with their pregnancy resolution decision, by identity of significant other, according to living arrangement at time of conception
Identity Total Family of origin Partner and his Alone/with peers
Chose abortion (N=202) (N=149) (N=31) (N=22)
No one 60.9 62.4 64.5 45.5
Partner 34.2 32.2 29.0 54.5
Mother 14.4 13.4 16.1 18.2
Father 5.9 3.4 16.1 9.1
Chose motherhood (N=1,122) (N=535) (N=473) (N=114)
No one 80.7 81.7 78.6 85.1
Partner 15.3 12.9 18.6 13.2
Mother 5.6 8.0 3.2 4.4
Father 2.1 3.0 1.3 1.8
Note: Percentages do not add to 100, as multiple responses were possible.

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Table 4. Percentage distribution of teenagers, by mother's, sister's and friend's ages at first birth, according to pregnancy resolution group
Significant other and ae Abortion Motherhood
and age N % N %
Mother's age at first birth (years)**
<20 67 34.2 569 53.6
21-25 67 34.2 296 27.9
>=26 62 31.6 196 18.5
Total 196 100.0 1,061 100.0
Sister's age at first birth*,†
No children 113 57.9 510 46.7
<20 years 20 10.3 187 17.1
>=21 years 15 7.7 114 10.4
No sister 47 24.1 282 25.8
Total 195 100.0 1,093 100.0
Friend's age at first birth**,‡
No children 76 37.6 174 16.2
<20 years 106 52.5 566 52.7
>=21 years 20 9.9 333 31.0
Total 202 100.0 1,073 100.0
*Difference between abortion and motherhood groups is statistically significant at p<.05. **Difference between abortion and motherhood groups is statistically significant at p<.01. †Two teenagers in the abortion group and 13 in the motherhood group had sisters with children but did not provide their sister's age at first birth. ‡Forty-four teenagers had friends with children but did not provide their friend's age at first birth. Note: Young women's responses were statistically compared using *2tests.

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Table 5. Percentage distribution of teenagers, by reported abortion experiences of significant others and whether young women discussed these experiences with them, according to pregnancy resolution group
Experience Abortion Motherhood
N % N %
Has your mother ever had an abortion?**
Yes 43 21.3 118 10.6
No 130 64.4 821 73.8
Don't know 29 14.4 174 15.6
Total 202 100.0 1,113 100.0
Have you ever discussed her abortion experience?*,†
Yes 37 86.0 77 65.3
No 6 14.0 41 34.7
Total 43 100.0 118 100.0
Has your sister ever had an abortion?‡
Yes 23 15.0 89 10.8
No 124 81.0 665 80.7
Don't know 6 3.9 70 8.5
Total 153 100.0 824 100.0
Have you ever discussed her abortion experience?*,†
Yes 18 78.3 47 53.4
No 5 21.7 41 46.6
Total 23 100.0 88 100.0
Has your friend ever had an abortion?
Yes 122 60.4 613 55.7
No 56 27.7 314 28.5
Don't know 24 11.9 174 15.8
Total 202 100.0 1,101 100.0
Have you ever discussed her abortion experience?†
Yes 100 82.0 429 70.2
No 22 18.0 182 29.8
Total 122 100.0 611 100.0
*Difference between abortion and motherhood groups is statistically significant at p<.05. **Difference between abortion and motherhood groups is statistically significant at p<.01. †Only among those whose mother, sister or friend had had an abortion. ‡Forty-nine young women in the abortion group and 298 in the motherhood group had no sister. Note: Young women's responses were statistically compared using *2 tests.

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Table 6. Multivariate coefficients and odds ratios (and standard errors) from two logistic regression models of the effects of type of influence and background characteristics on teenagers' pregnancy resolution decision
Type of influence and characteristic Model I Model II
Coefficient Odds ratio Coefficient Odds ratio
Type of influence
Direct, toward abortion 0.55 1.73** (0.16) na na
Direct, toward birth 0.04 1.04 (0.19) na na
Indirect, toward abortion 0.87 2.39** (0.18) na na
Indirect, toward birth -0.81 0.45** (0.16) na na
Area of residence
Suburban (ref) na na 0.00 1.00
Rural and remote na na -0.99 0.37** (0.33)
Inner urban na na 1.44 4.23**(0.50)
Religious affiliation
No affiliation (ref) na na 0.00 1.00
Catholic na na -0.74 0.48** (0.24)
Other Christian na na -0.57 0.20
Muslim/other non-Christian na na -1.55 0.21* (0.67)
Australian/English-speaking (ref) na na 0.00 1.00
Non-English-speaking na na 1.24 3.46** (0.32)
Indigenous na na -1.73 0.18* (0.73)
Age at conception
<17 (ref) na na 0.00 1.00
18-20 na na -0.21 0.81 (0.19)
Marital status at conception
Not married (ref) na na 0.00 1.00
Married na na -2.11 0.12* (0.80)
Interaction of area of residence and type of influence
Direct, toward abortion na na 0.43 1.54 (0.25)
Direct, toward birth na na 0.21 1.24 (0.31)
Indirect, toward abortion na na 1.58 4.83** (0.27)
Indirect, toward birth na na -1.83 0.16** (0.29)
Rural and remote
Direct, toward abortion na na 1.17 3.21** (0.29)
Direct, toward birth na na -0.28 0.76 (0.35)
Indirect, toward abortion na na 0.36 1.44 (0.34)
Indirect, toward birth na na 0.22 1.25 (0.29)
Inner urban
Direct, toward abortion na na -1.38 0.25 (0.77)
Direct, toward birth na na 2.62 13.8* (1.11)
Indirect, toward abortion na na -2.15 0.12** (0.72)
Indirect influence toward birth na na 1.87 6.51* (0.69)
Constant -1.72 0.13 -1.02 0.26
-2 Log likelihood (df) 1070.182 (4) 876.748 (21)
Cox & Snell pseudo R2   0.05   0.17
No. of cases   1,324   1,310
*p<.05. ** p<.01. Notes: ref=reference group. Dependent variable coded as 1=abortion and 0=motherhood.

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Table 7. Multivariate coefficients and odds ratios (and standard errors) from two logistic regression models of the effects of source and type of influence and background characteristics on teenagers' pregnancy resolution decision
Source/type of influence and characteristics Model I Model II
Coefficient Odds ratio Coefficient Odds ratio
Source and type of influence
Mother, indirect, toward birth -0.84 0.43** (0.18) na na
Sister, indirect, toward birth -0.40 0.67 (0.27) -0.26 0.77 (0.30)
Mother, indirect, toward abortion 0.75 2.13** (0.22) na na
Sister, indirect, toward abortion 0.78 2.18** (0.27) 0.85 2.35** (0.31)
Partner, direct, toward abortion 2.12 8.31** (0.21) 2.34 10.40** (0.24)
Parents, direct, toward abortion 0.15 1.16 (0.25) 0.08 1.08 (0.27)
Partner, direct, toward birth -0.75 0.47* (0.32) -0.76 0.47* (0.38)
Parents, direct, toward birth -0.37 0.69 (0.36) -0.28 0.75 (0.41)
Area of residence
Suburban (ref) na na 0.00 1.00
Rural and remote na na -0.31 0.73 (0.26)
Inner urban na na 1.26 3.53** (0.42)
Religious affiliation
No affiliation (ref) na na 0.00 1.00
Catholic na na -0.65 0.52* (0.25)
Other Christian na na -0.59 0.55* (0.22)
Muslim/other non-Christian na na -1.16 0.31 (0.65)
Australian/English-speaking (ref) na na 0.00 1.00
Non-English-speaking na na 1.14 3.14** (0.33)
Indigenous na na -1.47 0.23 (0.74)
Age at conception
<17 (ref) na na 0.00 1.00
18-20 na na -0.44 0.64* (0.20)
Marital status at conception
Not married (ref) na na 0.00 1.00
Married na na -1.53 0.22* (0.74)
Interaction of area of residence and source and type of influence
Mother, indirect, toward birth na na -1.71 0.18** (0.31)
Mother indirect, toward abortion na na 1.76 5.84** (0.31)
Rural and remote
Mother, indirect, toward birth na na -0.32 0.73 (0.30)
Mother indirect, toward abortion na na -0.39 0.68 (0.51)
Inner urban
Mother, indirect, toward birth na na 1.35 3.84* (0.61)
Mother, indirect, toward abortion na na -2.50 0.08** (0.85)
Constant -1.784 0.128** -1.167 0.254**
-2 Log likelihood (df) 968.125 (8) 809.002 (21)
Cox & Snell pseudo R2   0.12   0.21
No. of cases   1,324   1,310
*p<.05. **p<.01. Notes: ref=reference group. Dependent variable coded as 1=abortion and 0=motherhood.

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© copyright 2001, The Alan Guttmacher Institute.