Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive health
Volume 34, Number 1, January/February 2002


Did Abortion Legalization Reduce the Number
Of Unwanted Children? Evidence from Adoptions

TABLE 1. Classification and year of abortion legalization before Roe v. Wade, by state
Classification Year
Alaska 1970
California 1969
Hawaii 1970
New Jersey 1972
New York 1970
Vermont 1972
Washington 1970
Arkansas 1969
California 1967
Colorado 1967
Delaware 1969
District of Columbia 1969
Florida 1972
Georgia 1969
Kansas 1970
Maryland 1968
Massachusetts pre-1961
New Mexico 1969
North Carolina 1967
Oregon 1969
South Carolina 1970
Virginia 1970
†Repeal of a restrictive law made abortion legal in most circumstances. ‡Reform of a restrictive law made abortion legal in some circumstances. Sources: Levine PB et al., 1999 (reference 1); Lucas R, 1968 (reference 8); Merz JF, Jackson CA and Klerman JA, 1995 (reference 8); and Angrist JD and Evans WN, 1999 (reference 9).

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TABLE 2. Means (and standard deviations) of adoption rates for the period 1961-1975 and for 1970 and 1975, by birth mother's race and type of petitioner
Mother's race and type of petitioner Adoptions per 1,000 women Adoptions per 1,000 births
1961-1975 1970 1975 1961-1975 1970 1975
(N=521) (N=36) (N=36) (N=521) (N=36) (N=36)
White 2.74 (1.03) 3.16 (1.15) 1.83 (0.99) 37.55 (14.42) 42.93 (14.40) 33.21 (17.65)
Unrelated 1.50 (0.60) 1.75 (0.50) 0.65 (0.27) 20.25 (8.37) 23.92 (6.52) 11.84 (5.24)
Related 1.24 (0.80) 1.41 (0.89) 1.14 (0.80) 17.18 (11.35) 19.01 (11.49) 20.62 (14.23)
Nonwhite 2.53 (1.90) 2.92 (2.16) 2.86 (2.98) 26.36 (20.25) 28.96 (19.42) 38.67 (33.39)
Unrelated 1.37 (1.62) 1.66 (1.93) 1.50 (2.52) 14.22 (16.80) 16.54 (17.52) 20.26 (27.54)
Related 1.16 (0.83) 1.26 (0.84) 1.27 (1.18) 12.01 (9.20) 12.42 (8.31) 17.13 (14.53)
Notes: The type of petitioner refers to the petitioner's relationship to the child. The denominator for the rate of adoptions per 1,000 women is women aged 15-49. Observations are weighted by the population of women aged 15-49 in the relevant population group in each state and year. Total rates may exceed the sum of the subtotals because adoptions for which the type of petitioner was unknown are included in the totals but not in the subtotals.

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TABLE 3. Means (and standard deviations) of variables used in regression analyses of factors influencing adoption rates
Variable Mean
Health care availability
Doctors per capita 1.41 (0.35)
Hospitals per capita 0.04 (0.01)
Hospital beds per capita 7.91 (1.59)
Demographic and other
Marriages per capita 10.15 (10.65)
Divorces per capita 3.31 (1.80)
Incarceration rate 95.65 (37.19)
H.S. graduates (% of population) 0.45 (0.08)
College graduates (% of population) 0.09 (0.02)
Employment per capita 0.33 (0.05)
Unemployment rate 5.01 (1.75)
Real personal income per capita (000s) 3.23 (0.63)
Real hourly manufacturing wage ($) 2.86 (0.42)
Real avg. monthly AFDC benefits for family of four ($) 145.95 (48.53)
Republican governor 0.39 (0.49)
Republicans in state senate (%) 0.35 (0.21)
Republicans in state house (%) 0.35 (0.20)
Notes: Observations are weighted by the total population in each state in that year. The sample is an unbalanced panel of 521 state-level observations during 1961-1975. Real variables are deflated by the consumer price index for urban consumers. Per capita variables are per 1,000 persons in the total population (the incarceration rate is per 100,000 persons).

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TABLE 4. Coefficients (and standard errors) from Prais-Winsten regressions reflecting the influence of state-level variables on adoption rates, by race of birth mother
Variable Total adoptions per 1,000 women Total adoptions per 1,000 births
White Nonwhite White Nonwhite
Abortion legalization
Repeal -.372 (.112)** -.089 (.129) -.344 (.113)** -.017 (.118)
Reform -.081 (.082) -.175 (.076)* -.046 (.080) -.150 (.067)*
Roe v. Wade -.369 (.205) .030 (.149) -.364 (.206) .045 (.142)
Employment per capita/100 -.160 (.063)* .051 (.043) -.173 (.063)** .055 (.042)
Unemployment rate -.040 (.029) .008 (.033) -.033 (.030) .017 (.034)
Ln (personal income per capita) -.110 (.271) -.493 (.323) .165 (.262) -.288 (.307)
Ln (manufacturing wage) -.915 (1.547) 3.255 (1.469)* -.707 (1.504) 3.508 (1.449)*
Ln (average AFDC benefits) .368 (.251) .712 (.266)** .365 (.247) .591 (.256)*
Health care availability
Doctors per capita -.127 (.207) -.153 (.204) -.084 (.204) -.126 (.200)
Hospitals per capita/100 .128 (.135) -.158 (.156) .176 (.137) -.056 (.153)
Hospital beds per capita .003 (.022) -.001 (.030) -.000 (.024) .015 (.023)
Republican governor .003 (.024) .000 (.054) .006 (.024) -.004 (.055)
Republicans in state senate (%) .084 (.146) .231 (.232) .060 (.143) .390 (.230)
Republicans in state house (%) -.217 (.137) -.154 (.241) -.186 (.135) -.279 (.239)
Demographic and other
Marriages per capita .023 (.026) -.017 (.029) .016 (.025) -.026 (.030)
Divorces per capita .056 (.054) .027 (.057) .062 (.053) .013 (.054)
Incarceration rate 2.732 (1.775) .220 (1.036) 2.614 (1.784) -.177 (1.005)
H.S. graduates -2.660 (2.298) -1.490 (2.151) -2.837 (2.394) -1.851 (2.040)
College graduates 11.550 (6.601) 8.613 (7.774) 13.220 (6.798) 8.759 (7.462)
Adjusted R2 .919 .915 .992 .993
*p<.05. **p<.01. Notes: The dependent variables are natural logs. Regressions include state and year fixed effects and state-specific linear time trends. Observations are weighted by the population of women aged 15-49 in the relevant population group in each state and year. Regressions account for AR(1). The sample is an unbalanced panel of 521 state-level observations during 1961-1975. Real variables are deflated by the consumer price index for urban consumers. Per capita variables are per 1,000 persons in the total population (the incarceration rate is per million persons). Standard errors are White-corrected for heteroscedasticity.

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TABLE 5. Coefficients (and standard errors) from Prais-Winsten regressions reflecting the influence of changes in abortion laws on adoption rates, by type of adoption petitioner and abortion policy in a woman's own state and in neighboring states, according to race of birth mother
Variable Adoptions per 1,000 women Adoptions per 1,000 births
White Nonwhite White Nonwhite
Repeal -.396 (.112)** -.144 (.159) -.367 (.113)** -.066 (.150)
Reform -.067 (.079) -.217 (.095)* -.034 (.078) -.189 (.087)*
Roe v. Wade -.279 (.218) .130 (.174) -.265 (.220) .136 (.168)
Repeal -.108 (.186) -.009 (.203) -.081 (.185) .072 (.193)
Reform -.156 (.209) -.206 (.170) -.121 (.208) -.149 (.148)
Roe v. Wade -.295 (.305) -.190 (.233) -.292 (.304) -.192 (.243)
In own state
Repeal -.382 (.116)** -.198 (.115) -.351 (.116)** -.116 (.114)
Reform -.084 (.086) -.242 (.072)** -.047 (.084) -.219 (.073)**
Roe v. Wade -.209 (.137) .010 (.122) -.188 (.137) .017 (.127)
In neighboring states
Repeal -.124 (.300) .823 (.277)** -.061 (.289) .900 (.282)**
Reform -.068 (.188) -.140 (.215) -.053 (.189) -.047 (.218)
Roe v. Wade -.549 (.455) -.122 (.306) -.592 (.460) -.023 (.316)
*p<.05. **p<.01. Notes: The type of petitioner refers to the petitioner's relationship to the child. The dependent variables are natural logs. The data represent results of three sets of regressions for the sample and outcome identified in the column headings: one for nonrelative petitioners (first three rows), one for relative petitioners (next three rows) and one controlling for abortion policy in neighboring states (last six rows). Each regression accounts for AR(1) and includes state and year fixed effects, state-specific linear time trends and the variables listed in Table 3. Observations are weighted by the population of women aged 15-49 in the relevant population group in each state and year. The sample is an unbalanced panel of 521 state-level observations during 1961-1975. Standard errors are White-corrected for heteroscedasticity.

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