Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Volume 34, Number 3, May/June 2002


Employment and the Sexual and Reproductive
Behavior of Female Adolescents

TABLE 1. Hazard ratios from Weibull hazard regressions examining the effects of employment and selected control variables on the likelihood of experiencing first intercourse before age 20 among 14-16-year-olds in 1979 (N=1,685)
Variable Employment measure
Cumulative mos. Currently employed Both
Cumulative mos. employed 1.01** na 1.00
Currently employed na 1.20** 1.14
In school 0.77** 0.78** 0.78**
Family structure
  Mother only 0.97 0.97 0.97
  Stepparent 1.39** 1.39** 1.39**
  Other 1.11 1.11 1.11
  Both parents (ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Family poor 1.17† 1.17† 1.18†
Ever used drugs/alcohol 1.99** 2.01** 1.99**
Religious identification
  Catholic 0.77† 0.77† 0.77†
  Baptist 0.89 0.88 0.89
  Protestant 0.78 0.79† 0.79
  Jewish/other 0.76† 0.75† 0.76†
  None (ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Religious attendance
  Poor 1.45** 1.45** 1.46**
  Occasional 1.45** 1.44* 1.44*
  Moderate 1.19† 1.19† 1.19†
  Frequent (ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Age at menarche 0.92** 0.92** 0.92**
Occupational aspirations/expectations
  Professional/>=good 1.12 1.12 1.12
  Professional/<fair 1.15 1.15 1.15
  Nonprofessional/>=good 1.27* 1.26* 1.26*
  Nonprofessional/<fair 1.09 1.09 1.09
No expectations (ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00
  13 0.22** 0.21** 0.22**
  14 0.53** 0.51** 0.54**
  15 1.09 1.03 1.10
  16 1.31† 1.21 1.30†
  17 1.54** 1.44** 1.52**
  18 1.62** 1.56** 1.61**
  19 (ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Log likelihood -1,712.7 -1,712.5 -1,711.4
No. of person-mos. 76,346 76,346 76,346
*p<.05 **p<.01. †p<.10. Notes: Variables not shown in the table had no significant or marginally significant effects in any model. na=not applicable. ref=reference group.

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TABLE 2. Hazard ratios from Weibull hazard regressions examining the effects of employment and selected control variables on the likelihood of experiencing first intercourse before age 20, by race
Race and measure Employment measure
Cumulative mos. Currently employed Both
White (N=922)
Cumulative mos. employed 1.01** na 1.01†
Currently employed na 1.24* 1.15
Log likelihood -935.2 -935.7 -934.4
No. of person-mos. 42,107 42,107 42,107
Black (N=436)
Cumulative mos. employed 1.01 na 1.01
Currently employed na 1.31† 1.24
Log likelihood -442.8 -442.3 -442.0
No. of person-mos. 18,859 18,859 18,859
*p<.05. **p<.01. †p<.10. Note: na=not applicable.

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TABLE 3. Hazard ratios from Weibull hazard regressions examining the effects of intensity of current employment and cumulative employment on the likelihood of experiencing first intercourse before age 20, all women and white women
Variable Employment measure
Intensity Intensity and cumulative mos.
Intensity of current employment (hrs./mo.)
0 (ref) 1.00 1.00
1-40 0.96 0.92
41-80 1.07 1.03
81-120 1.12 1.08
>120 1.43** 1.36**
Cumulative mos. employed na 1.01
Log likelihood -1,708.3 -1,707.5
No. of person-mos. 76,346 76,346
Intensity of current employment (hrs./mo.)
  0 (ref) 1.00 1.00
  1-40 0.88 0.83
  41-80 1.08 1.02
  81-120 1.14 1.08
  >120 1.58** 1.48**
Cumulative mos. employed na 1.01
Log likelihood -930.0 -929.0
No. of person-mos. 42,107 42,107
**p<.01. Notes: Blacks and Hispanics are excluded because no employment effects were significant. na=not applicable. ref=reference group.

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TABLE 4. Hazard ratios from Weibull hazard regressions examining the effects of employment and selected control variables on the likelihood of a nonmarital pregnancy among sexually experienced young women (N=829)
Variable Employment measure
Cumulative mos. Currently employed
Cumulative mos. employed 1.00 na
Currently employed na 1.05
In school 0.78† 0.79†
Mother's education 0.94** 0.94**
Family structure
  Mother only 1.23 1.24
  Stepparent 1.38 1.39
  Other 1.42† 1.43*
  Both parents (ref) 1.00 1.00
Family poor 1.62** 1.62†
  Black 1.38† 1.37†
  Hispanic 1.71** 1.70**
  White (ref) 1.00 1.00
Log likelihood -697.0 -697.8
No. of person-mos. 19,898 19,898
*p<.05. **p<.01. †p<.10. Notes: na=not applicable. ref=reference group.

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TABLE 5. Hazard ratios from Weibull hazard regressions examining the effects of various employment measures on the likelihood of a nonmarital pregnancy among sexually experienced black and Hispanic young women
Variable Employment measure
Cumulative mos. Currently employed Intensity Cumulative mos. and currently employed Cumulative mos. and intensity
Blacks (N=227)
Cumulative mos. employed 1.04** na na 1.03 1.03†
Currently employed na 2.20** na 1.83* na
Intensity of current employment (hrs./mo.)
  0 (ref) na na 1.00 na 1.00
  1-40 na na 2.73† na 2.20
  41-80 na na 2.65* na 2.18†
  81-120 na na 2.70** na 2.29*
  >120 na na 1.73† na 1.40
Log likelihood -187.4 -186.6 -185.8 -184.8 -183.9
No. of person-mos. 5,457 5,457 5,457 5,457 5,457
Hispanics (N=108)
Cumulative mos. employed 0.98 na na 0.99 0.99
Currently employed na 0.48* na 0.52* na
Intensity of current employment (hrs./mo.)
  0 (ref) na na 1.00 na 1.00
  1-80 na na 0.29* na 0.31†
  81-120 na na 1.23 na 1.28
  >120 na na 0.38** na 0.41**
Log likelihood -107.4 -105.9 -103.5 -105.7 -103.4
No. of person-mos. 2,618 2,618 2,618 2,618 2,618
*p<.05. **p<.01. †p<.10. Notes: na=not applicable. ref=reference group.

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