June 2018 Issue of Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health

Volume 50, Number 2

IN THIS ISSUE (a summary of articles in this issue of Perspectives
Title X–Funded Health Center Staff Members' Perspectives on Barriers to Insurance Use For Confidential Family Planning Services
Leah E. Masselink,  Julie Lewis, Clare Coleman and Susan F. Wood

Child Marriage in the United States: How Common Is the Practice, And Which Children Are at Greatest Risk?
Alissa Koski and Jody Heymann

Health Care Provider Perceptions of the Safety of IUDs for Women with HIV
Katharine B. Simmons, Lauren Zapata and Kathryn M. Curtis

Supporting Women at the Time of Abortion: A Mixed‐Methods Study of Male Partner Experiences and Perspectives
Brian T. Nguyen, Luciana E. Hebert, Sara L. Newton and Melissa L. Gilliam


Carole Joffe: Inside George Tiller's Clinic



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